Profit rates for each 1000 downloads of your files

Tier / Length 1-* MB
United States, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, South Korea, Malaysia, Hungary, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Japan, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine
Vietnam, Mexico, Argentina, India, Indonesia, Vietnam
Nigeria, Argentina, Angola, Chile, Colombia, Egypt
Other countries

To earn money you just need to follow these simple rules:

  • Minimum payout amount is just $15.
  • Rewards are not counted if advertising is being blocked.
  • Traffic from third party apps will not count.
  • Views are counted upto 4 within 24 hours per user/ip.
  • There are no rewards for automated downloads.